Welcome to Calvary Chapel Maine Highlands

Events / Calendar
Calendar of Events
Recurring Events
Streaming Live and Message Recordings
Find us on the Boxcast App for Roku, Apple TV, and Fire TV. FMI: see Dave Bridges.
Men’s Fellowship & Prayer:
Weekly on Thursdays at 7:00 AM in the CCMH meeting room.
Ladies Bible Study:
Check back this fall!
Sunday Night Prayer:
Join us at Calvary Chapel Maine Highlands at 6 PM for prayer.
Teen Youth Group
All high-school-aged kids are invited each Sunday evening from 6:00 to 8:30 PM at the church for youth group. For more information, see Garth or Rachel.
Midweek Study
Join us for our mid-week study Thursdays at 6 PM in our classroom or live stream from our ccmainehighlands.org website or Boxcast App on Roku, Apple TV, or Fire TV. We are currently studying the Book of Psalms.
Announcement and Prayer Chain Requests
On Your Phone: Register for Flocknote by texting CCMH to 84576 or visit ccmh.flocknote.com.
If you have a prayer chain request, please call one of the following people:
Paul 207.478.8910
Melissa 207.631.4947
Michelle 207.717.4922